Sus scrofaRelease date:2021-12-10

Wild boar (scientific name: Sus scrofa), also known as wild boar, is an animal of the genus pig. Wild boars are divided into European wild boars and Asian wild boars. There are 27 subspecies in the world. There are some differences between subspecies and the inner nuclear type of subspecies. The number of chromosomes (2n) is between 36 and 38, such as Western European wild boar 2n=36 or 37. Japanese wild boar 2n=38, but there is no reproduction barrier between each other. They can give birth to offspring, and they are widely distributed in the world. However, due to factors such as human hunting and the sharp shrinking of the living environment, the number has dropped sharply and has been listed as an endangered species in many countries. Wild boars are omnivorous and eat everything they can eat. The general wild boar herd has 2-3 sows and a group of young pigs. The boars will only join the herd during the estrus period.

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