Ursus thibetanusRelease date:2021-12-10

The Asian black bear (scientific name: Ursus thibetanus) has 7 subspecies. The body length is 150 to 170 cm, and the weight is about 150 kg. The body hair is black and bright and long, the chin is white, and there is a "V"-shaped white spot on the chest. The head is round, the ears are big, the eyes are small, the kiss is short and pointed, the nose is exposed, the foot pads are thick, the front and back feet have 5 toes, and the claws are sharp and cannot stretch. Strong body.

Inhabits mountain forests, mainly active in the daytime, good at climbing trees, swimming; able to walk upright. Poor vision, sensitive sense of smell and hearing; more complex eating habits, feeding on plant leaves, buds, fruits, seeds, and sometimes insects, bird eggs and small beasts. Black bears in the north have a hibernation habit. They dormant in the cave throughout the winter, do not eat or move, and are in a semi-sleep state. They will go out of the cave from March to April of the following year. Mating in summer, 7 months of gestation, 1 to 3 litters per litter. Distributed in forest areas in the eastern part of Eurasia, Taiwan, Japan and other places.

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