Meles melesRelease date:2021-12-10

Dog badgers (scientific name: Meles meles) are animals of the Mustelidae family and the genus Dog badgers. The dog badger in the Mustelidae has a larger body, sturdy, stubby neck, short limbs, short tail, a mixture of brown back and white or creamy yellow, and dark brown or light brown inner limbs.
Dog badgers are generally active in spring and autumn. They have fierce temperament, hibernate, live in burrows, are omnivorous, reproduce once a year, with 2-5 litters per litter, and have a relatively wide habitat, such as forests, shrubs, fields, lakes, etc. Various habitats are distributed in most parts of the Eurasian continent.

The dog badger has been included in the "World Conservation Union" (IUCN) 2008 Red List of Endangered Species.

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