Anas formosaRelease date:2021-12-10

Painted ducks (scientific name: Anas formosa) are small ducks, which are slightly larger than green-winged ducks and slightly smaller than pintail ducks. It is 37-44 cm long and weighs about 0.5 kg. The breeding feathers of the male ducks are extremely gorgeous, especially the variegated variegated faces composed of yellow, green, black, white and other colors are extremely eye-catching. There is a vertical leucorrhea on both sides of the chest and tail base, which can be clearly distinguished from other wild ducks. Non-breeding feathers resemble females. Painted ducks are a kind of ducks that like to flock, especially in winter, they often gather in large groups, and they often mix with other ducks. During the day, they often swim in small groups or mix with other wild ducks or float on the open water to rest. At night, they fly in groups to nearby fields, ditches or shallow lakes for food. It mainly feeds on the buds, tender leaves, fruits and seeds of various aquatic plants such as Charophyllum, Willow leaf algae, Water chestnut, and aquatic plants. It breeds throughout Eastern Siberia, from the Angara River in Russia in the west, the Arctic coast in the north, Lake Baikal in the south, and Kamchatka in the east. Overwintering in southern Japan and occasionally to northeastern India.

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