• Situated at the north part of Heilongjiang Province, Wudalianchi UNESCO Global Geopark is named as the Hometown of Mineral Spring of China. Together with Vichy of France and Ciscaucasia of Russia, the mineral water of Wudalianchi are revered as the b

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  • In the past two milion years, volcanic eruptions developed fourteen volcanoes, among which, Huosho volcano is one of the youngest ones, erupted only two hundred and eighty years ago.

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  • Among fourteen volcanoes in wudalianchi, Longmen Volcano is a typical old volcano erupted three hundred and forty thousand years ago.

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  • All of the Wudalianchi volcanoes produced abundant lava, and many erupted with mild Hawaiian or Strombolian explosive activity. Of the 25 volcanoes......

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  • The most recent lava flows formed the new period lava plateau, the surface of which has well- preserved flow structures and geomorphological features.

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