Rosette 4-15 cm in diam.; rosette leaves oblong, oblong-lanceolate, obovate, or elliptic, 1.5-7 × 1-3 cm, margin entire, apex obtuse to shortly acuminate, apical spine absent. Stem leaves to 7 cm, usually longer than rosette leaves, apex obtuse. Infl
more infoShrubs, erect, 1-3 m tall, much branched. Branchlets sparsely pubescent. Leaves 3-foliolate; petiole 2-7(-9) cm; leaflets abaxially pale green, adaxially green, ovate, obovate, or ovate-oblong, terminal one 1.5-6 × 1-3.5 cm, abaxially pilose, adaxial
more infoTrees 10-30 m tall, d.b.h. to 1 m. Leaves 7-13-foliolate; rachis glabrous to pubescent; leaflet blades ovate to ovate-lanceolate, 6-12 × 2.5-4.5 cm, papery to thinly papery, apex acuminate. Inflorescences and infructescences ± lax, rachis, branches,
more infoShrubs erect, to 1.5m tall. Much branched, subterete, glabous, Purple brown or grayish brown, with yellow prickles.
more infoShrubs to 2 m tall. Branches erect; branchlets glabrous or slightly pubescent; buds purple-brown, ovoid.
more infoScenic spots include Nangela Ball Mountain, North Gela Ball Mountain and so on. South and North Gelaqiu Mountain is the earliest volcano erupted in Wudalianchi Global Geopark, and Nangelaqiu Mountain is the highest volcano in the park. After the erup
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