Viscum coloratum (Kom.) NakaiRelease date:2021-12-09

Mistletoe [Latin name: Viscum coloratum (Kom.) Nakai], aliases: northern parasitic, mulberry, willow parasite, yellow parasitic, frozen green, parasitic seed, is a shrub plant of the genus Mistletoe of the Morinaceae family, usually parasitizes in Quercus acutissima Trees, apple trees, poplars, and pine trees are harmful to the host. The stems are flexible and green; the leaves are oblanceolate, leathery, and light green. In early spring, the leaves have small stalks and small flowers, light yellow. , Unisexual, dioecious, the fruit is translucent, yellow-green; the pulp has mucilage.

The leafy stems and branches of the plant can be used for medicinal purposes. It is used for muscle pain, limb contraction, back pain, bruises. It has the effects of nourishing liver and kidney, strengthening muscles and bones, dispelling rheumatism, and anti-fetus. Mistletoe extract can improve microcirculation, and its total alkaloids also have anti-tumor effects. In addition, mistletoe has a profound cultural heritage, such as being regarded by the British Druids. As a holy thing, it has a special meaning in English.

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