Geological Survey of Wudalianchi--HydrologyRelease date:2021-12-07

Geological Survey of Wudalianchi--Hydrology
The water system of Wudalianchi Global Geopark is relatively developed. The main rivers include Shilong River, Zhangtong Shigou, Yaoquan River and so on.
Shilong River, also known as Baihe River (called Wudelin River in ancient times), originated in the gully wetland on the west side of Xiaohong Volcano in the northwest of Wuchi. Flow into the Nemor River. The length from the source to the entrance is 61 kilometers, the river is 7-10 meters wide, and the water depth is 1 meter on average.
Zhangtong Shigou is a tributary of the Shilong River, originating in the valleys in the northeast of the Geopark. It has a total length of 23.5 kilometers from the source to the entrance of Sanchi, a river width of 2 to 5 meters, and an average water depth of 0.6 meters.
Yaoquan River originates from Erlongyan spring water at the foot of Yaoquan Volcano and flows into Yaoquan Lake. The lake water flows out from the southeast, flows southward along the west side of the Shilong Terrace, and flows into the Shilong River. It is 7.5 kilometers in length and 4 to 7 meters in width on average. The water depth is 0.2 meters.
The lakes in the area are: The First Lake, The Second Lake, The Third Lake, The Fourth Lake, The Fifth Lake, Yaoquan Lake, North Crescent Lake, South Crescent Lake, etc. The deepest lake is 10 meters, usually 3 to 5 meters.
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